An organization is the reflection of its founder
The more I do business coaching for founders, the more I realize that the organization they have built reflects their beliefs, values, fears, aspirations etc. Whatever, good, bad, or ugly shows up within the organization is in some way a reflection of its founder. Let me explain with some examples.
1. One organization was headed by a hard-core academician. Their products and services targeted the academic institutions. No matter whichever project / product was taken it, it had to be academically right. Almost everyone in the organization gave more priority to the academic features of the product / service. Sometimes, building that “perfect academic feature” would take years. But business came in second, perfection in academics was first. So, the organization lost a lot of time for going to market.
2. Another organization had a founder who loved money. Money, profits, and sales was the mantra. People were secondary. If you add to the bottom line, you stay else you leave. Very clear. No wonder the organization faced people issues again and again.
3. One of the organizations I helped had a founder who loved to work on his own. There was a lack of delegation. As the founder didn’t know the benefits of delegation, the organization couldn’t go beyond a certain limit of clients.
There is nothing wrong to have a bias towards something. However, when it starts limiting the organization, then the time has come to be aware of the bias and work towards balancing it. Doing it on your own may seem to be a complicated task, that’s where coaching is important. Just having someone to reflect with, can create wonders.